Favorite Flavor Enhancers for Cooking

When it comes to cooking, I am all about creating dishes that are packed with flavor.  I love incorporating fresh spices and herbs into my recipes because they not only enhance the flavor, but also aid in the creation of unique and interesting dishes.  Over time as I have continued to improve my skills as home cook, there have been some great tips and techniques that I have learned along the way.  These techniques are super easy to include in your recipes  and make a huge difference with the overall flavor profile of final products/dishes (especially soups and roasted chicken and turkey).

Bouquet Garni

A bouquet garni is a selection of various herbs and other aromatic plants that are tied together with kitchen string for easy removal during cooking, after the desired flavor has been extracted. A bouquet garni is a staple ingredient that I use to flavor my various soup, stew and roast chicken recipes.  According to the Professional Chef (*a textbook used by Culinary Institute of America Students, and a favorite resource of mine), a standard bouquet garni consists of:

  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 3 or 4 parsley stems
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 or 3 leek leaves and/or 1 celery stalk, cut in half lengthwise
  • 1 carrot, cut in half lengthwise (optional)
  • 1 parsnip, cut in half lengthwise (optional)

I will be the first to admit that this is a lot to have on hand, especially given that you are only going to be using a small quantity of each ingredient.  I really am not a fan of wasting food, so I have come up with an alternative Bouquet Garni option.  What I like to do is purchase the Poultry Blend fresh herb package (contains Rosemary, Thyme and Sage) and tie the contents of the package together with kitchen string.  This makes for a wonderful flavor enhancing bundle that you can throw in a soup you are making or even in the cavity of a chicken or turkey that you are roasting.  My version of the bouquet garni is something I would definitely recommend trying in your next recipe.  It really makes a difference in the flavor and is so easy to do!  


Mirepoix is the French name for a combination of onions, carrots and celery (aka the holy trinity of aromatics).  Just like the bouquet garni, I love using a mirepoix whenever I am making a soup or roasting a chicken.  The additional flavor and color that a mirepoix brings to the dish is unreal!  It can really take your flavor profile to the next level and again, so easy to do!  

Classic Mirepoix Recipe

  • 2 Parts Onion
  • 1 Part Celery
  • 1 Part Carrots

If making a white stock or cream soup, use the White Mirepoix Recipe:

  • 1 Part/4oz Onion
  • 1 Part/4oz Celery or Celeriac
  • 1 Part/4oz Parsnip
  • 1 Part/4oz Leek

**For more information on the other types of mirepoix combinations, check out the Professional Chef

When cooking a soup, I will start out by sweating down a diced mirepoix and when roasting a chicken I like to fill the base of the roasting pan with chunkier mirepoix pieces. Whether you are directly incorporating the mirepoix (ex. in a soup) or indirectly (ex. roasting a chicken), these aromatics are a "must" in my recipes.

Parmesan Cheese Rind

Parmesan cheese rinds make for a fabulous flavor enhancer when cooking soups.  Simply add a rind as soon as the liquid in your soup comes to a boil (*if using a crockpot to make soup it's ok to add the rind at the beginning when everything is still cold) and let the rind simmer throughout the duration of the soups cooking.  The heat from the cooking will cause the parmesan cheese rind to slowly release rich and nutty flavor notes into your soup, leaving you with a finished product that is bursting with wonderful flavor.  Just remember to remove the rind before serving the soup!  In addition to cutting the rind right off of the parmesan cheese block, you can also find parmesan cheese rinds for sale at cheese shops or in the cheese section at some grocery stores.  Un-used rinds will keep for a long time and can be frozen or refrigerated.  This is a great use for something that would normally be discarded.

All three flavor enhancing techniques discussed in this post are easy to do, provide great flavor for your recipes and promote minimal wasting of food.  Try one or all of these techniques the next time you make a soup or roast a chicken.  At the very least, you can definitely count on seeing these techniques in recipes featured on Redefining Domestics.  

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup

While it may seem like Winter is this long, cold, dry, depressing season during the year, I have to say that I totally don't believe this to be true.  From snow skiing to the entirely different wardrobe I get to take advantage of during this season, winter has a bunch of wonderful things to offer.  However, my #1 reason for loving winter would have to be Soup Season!   

I love soup and during the winter, I seem to exist off of it!  Its so warm, comforting, delicious and can be very healthy.  Speaking of healthy, I have come up with a wonderful and very healthy Lentil Soup recipe made in my beloved Crock Pot!!  Oh how I LOVE my Crock Pot.  Just set it and forget it!  The best part about this recipe?  In addition to being inexpensive to make, it's delicious, nutritious and also vegetarian friendly!  This recipe yields many servings of soup, so I love to make it over the weekend and then my husband and I will reheat it during the week.  This slow cooker lentil soup is definitely worthy of being a staple in your recipe repertoire. 


  • 1 Bag of Hurst's Brand Garlic & Herb Lentils (Harris Teeter and Publix carry this specific bag of lentils.  You can also order them in bulk from the Hurst's Store Website)
  • 1 Medium Yellow Onion Diced Coarse
  • 5 Stalks of Celery cut into 1/2inch pieces
  • 1.5 Cups of Carrots cut into 1/2inch pieces
  • 6 Cups Vegetable Broth
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 1 Parmesan Cheese Rind (Either Cut this off of a parmesan block that you buy or you can go to grocery stores like Whole Foods and buy a container of Just the Rinds--the rinds will keep in your fridge for months and are a staple in most of my soup recipes because of all of the flavor they add)
  • 5 Cloves of Garlic Minced
  • 3 Fresh Bay Leaves Cut in the Center (see image below)
  • 2 Dried Bay Leaves
  • 1/4Cup Fresh Chopped Parsley
  • Fresh Baby Kale
  • Fresh Shaved Parmesan


  1. Add the Vegetable Broth and Water to the Crock Pot
  2. Add the Lentils, Flavor Packet, Celery, Carrots, Onion, Garlic, Parmesan Cheese Rind, Fresh Bay Leaves, Dried Bay Leaves and Parsley to the Crock Pot
  3. Stir contents and set Crock Pot to High 6hrs (Stirring Contents Every 2hrs)

4.  Once the Crock Pot transitions to Warm mode, the soup should be done and ready to serve.

5.  Add the baby kale to the bowl first, then ladle the soup over the baby kale (the kale will wilt in a few minutes.  This way you will have deliciously wilted kale that is bright green in color.  **Adding the kale to the crockpot to cook with the lentils will cause the Kale to turn a green/gray color.**

6.  Garnish with parmesan cheese shavings and serve!